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Entity History

Upsilon Epsilon


In the Fall semester of 2015, Daniel Rivera and Tyrell Austin discussed the idea of expanding Greek life at Ferris State University, Big Rapids, Michigan. Both agreed that there was a need for a multicultural identity within the Greek community. Therefore, a need to build the community and have that support for diverse students was strongly emphasized. Both concluded in expanding an entity of Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Incorporated at Ferris State University. 


The first informational for Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Incorporated was hosted at the Center for Latin@ Studies by Bro. Pasqual ‘Bellator’ Bermudez and Bro. Raul ‘Atrevido’ Lozano. From there, Marco Rojas, Emiliano Esparza-Gonzalez, and Gaspar Nunez-Aguado had committed, giving the opportunity to develop the process of expansion. The interest group had officially been recognized as Brotherhood for Culture & Success (BCS). The main goal was to establish the core values of the organization and begin with programming. With the guidance of Bro. Zac ‘Noble’ Blevens, the principles of the Fraternity were implemented onto the individuals. From here, Bro. Zac ‘Noble’ Blevens would take charge and become Membership Educator. Entering the new semester, Camden Whitney and Jezreel Estrada were the final men to join the interest group. 


On September 12th, 2017, the interest group progressed and was approved by the Executive Office of Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Incorporated. That same day, the Interfraternity Council of Ferris State University voted the entity into the council unanimously. From there, a Founding Line (E.P.D.F) of Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Incorporated joined the campus of Ferris State University, thus, formally recognizing December 9th, 2017 as the founding date for the Ferris State University entity. 


2019 became a year of growth and prosperity: with successful programming, and the newly initiated Beta Line, the Brothers of the Ferris State Colony successfully was approved Chapter status and officially became known as the 'UNDISPUTED' Upsilon Epsilon Chapter of Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Incorporated at Ferris State University formally recognized June 11th, 2019. 

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