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Requirements & Next Steps

Membership shall be conferred only upon male students at Ferris State University who meet the qualifications as set in the National and local Constitution of Sigma Lambda Beta. They must also fulfill such additional requirements as may be prescribed by the entity Constitution. Interest must demonstrate and exemplify leadership experience and intuition to join the organization.  

  • Be passionate about Sigma Lambda Beta’s history, mission and values

  • Membership is only available for collegiate men who are enrolled full-time at Ferris State University ​

  • Interested men must have a 2.50 cumulative GPA at the time of application

  • Demonstrate leadership experience 

  • Fulfill dues obligations per semester

Membership Education 

Sigma Lambda Beta conducts membership intake via our membership education program.  The length of the membership education process will will typically last an average of eight (8) weeks and will not exceed ten (10) weeks. 


We take great pride in our membership education program.  Through our membership education program you will be taught the history, mission and values of Sigma Lambda Beta as well as the local entity.  Through the course of the program, you will have the opportunity to meet Brothers from the local entity as well as from nearby entities to start building the bonds of Brotherhood that holds our nation together. 


As you go through the membership education process, you will be required to pay new member fees.  

Membership Requirements
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